Online Groundwater Models updated

Our tool enables decision makers working in both of our project regions, the Heihe River Basin and Guantao, to assess different irrigation water allocation strategies.

The application is based on a finite differences numerical groundwater model (MODFLOW). It captures the systemic properties of the aquifer system and allows the decision makers to assess the impact of various water allocation scenarios on groundwater levels. The novelty concerns the fact that the model is embedded in an interactive web-interface accessible to the user via the internet with all standard web browsers for computers, tablets or smartphones.

Find more information as well as the direct link to the tool for either project region here.

Enlarged view: Screenshot Heihe Groundwater Model
Figure 1: Screenshot of the Heihe Online Groundwater Model.
Enlarged view: Screenshot Guantao Groundwater Model
Figure 2: Screenshot of the Guantao Online Groundwater Model.
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